Kamis, 24 November 2016

The Online Infomation Debate

The Online Infomation Debate
Isnen Amri (C1051161025)
Rahmat Ariyan (C1051161017)
Hendra Andishaputra (C1051161063)
Selamat Julianto (C1051161081)

1. Rahmat Ariyan: What sites do you use to find information?which are best? Why?
Hendra Andishaputra: website I use is google.
Isnen Amri: I also use google sites.Rahmat Ariyan: What is the best?Isnen Amri: Yes, it is the best of the web.
Selamat julianto: why?Hendra andishaputra: Because Google is very complete site compared to other sites and is very easy to either look for information access and sharing of information across the globe.

2. Isnen Amri: no schools or teachers have rules about using the sites?
Rahmat Ariyan: When accessing our website there are no restrictions in using this site to find positive information.
Selamat julianto: As long as they do not lead to negative things like pornography.Rahmat Ariyan: Yes I agree with you.

3. Hendra andishaputra: What is the difference between online information and information from libraris or an encyclopedia?
Selamat julianto: If you ask me, if the information online information that sometimes do not match and the source is not clear. If the library, information certainly can accountability  in terms of the author's name, year of publication, the title is clear, city publications are also clear and firm or agency clearly issued in the area.
Isnen Amri: and also if the information online is not necessarily true because people can upload whatever information they want whether it is true or just for the thrill

Selasa, 22 November 2016

Letter to me ten years later

                                                                                         Pontianak, november . 22 . 2016

For my age ten years later
Selamat Julianto, S. P.
In Kayong Utara

Hello Jul, at this time I was deliberately created for the ten years later julianto. You must have gotten the job. as with the old folks home where mu is it you fixed it?. What about the target of the plan of life which you design on a piece of paper while you're in College? Hopefully everything is embodied Amen .....
though there you've got a job and living with inadequate, do not forget the gifts because you also never felt what it was like to live hard. but I'm sure when you've got the success will certainly not forget people under you, because you have lived a pain.
the first letter of the I see you again .

                                                                                           you are still in College

                                                                                           Selamat julianto

Jumat, 18 November 2016

My choice when karaoke songs

Hi friend ... how are you? Hopefully okay yes, this time I will post on my blog that the theme of his early post is my current favorite karaoke song, and why I chose it again. Okay sure everything is curious ya hehe?

Good for songs that became my favorite time of karaoke, but in fact many of my bhost often it is a song of the band from Indonesia, whose title LAST CHILD PERCAYALAH .

Why I chose that song because a lot of the lyrics are meaningful in it. Section start to finish so many sekli meaning moving, motivating and constructive. I have quoted the lyrics of

"test of life is always menerpamu
Struggling to survive only temporary
Rasa pangs of rain in your heart
Given by taste only temporary

We live in a world full of question marks
Which you may not change and was forced to follow suit
We are in the right or wrong
That could not be measured with the taste you

Pray, tell God all your hurt
He 'right answer
Believe me, he's showing his love to you
Through the course ".

That which I quote only a portion of the lyrics to the songs LAST CHILD. As in my life, I feel a lot of it and place to lean back and complain only GOD Almighty. I often considered small by some people, underestimated by my friends. Yes it does not mean I want to be respected, but please respect me enough as a human being semstinya. Ettt so vent ni .. hehe ..
I think it's just that I can share for this week, thank you for your attention I'll see you in ya next week.

Kamis, 17 November 2016

Resume of Artikel

-Stranger in a strange land
    .      by: kehinde wiley
 . . . . . . . . .  page: 59

Raised in South Central Los Angeles in the first when the prime gang territory. My mother had six children and she always tried to find a different program for taking care of me and our brothers and sisters of my difficulties. We ended up in some strange, unexpected places, like Jewish summer camp. In 1989, when I was 12 my mother knew about the trip was organized by a group called the US-Soviet Central Initiative, which one believes, organized by the CLA.
everyone watched them drift I have to put a float in the water. This photo ended up being the Russian newspaper publ carts as part of the commemorations. The experience changed my trajectory, allowing me to leave the country for the first time, and gave me a broader sense of self and boundaries wider.  The following year the Soviet children came to the US to stav at home Americans. But there is a problem with having one of them live in tents, so I ended up staying at another house children in Pasadena, with one from Russia, for two weeks. It was like a domestic exchange program. Ive been back to Russia since, but not to St. Petersburg. 1 recently did a series of paintings with wood paneling and gold leaf inspired by Russian icon painting I saw on this trip, the first time I visited the Hermitage. O As told to Leigh Anne Miller ART IN AMERICA

Vocabulary :
1.defunct.       =mati
2.candlelight    =lilin
3.mushroom.    =jamur
4.unexpected     =terduga
5.diplomacy       =diplomasi
6.creating.       =menciptakan
7.couldn't.       =tidak bisa
8.afford.         = mampu
8.scholarship.     =beasiswa
10.mostly         = kebanyakan
11.float           =mengambang
12.trajectory.     = lintasan
13.enabling.     =memungkinkan
14.wider.        =lebih luas
15.boundaries.   = batas
16.series.        = seri
17.paneling      =panel
18.visited.       =  mengunjungi
19.buss.         =bis
20.ways         = cara 




Jumat, 11 November 2016

My favorite place while traveling

assalamualaikum everything .. how are hopefully healthy brothers always yes. well this week exactly six weeks I am back in my blog post, which is certainly the brothers or his friends are already looking forward to posting what I will post .. hehe just this time I will share about my experience while in the places I visit the memorable place for me. Definitely curious yes, what the name of that place? The place is quite famous tourist spot in northern kyaong even in West Kalimantan, namely Pulau Datok Beach. here I feel a lot of natural beauty pamper the tourists, starting a stretch of good at it, sand it, the arrangement of lush trees as decorative beauty of the coast, skaligus place to take shelter from the scorching sun, and rest myself in times during the day, can we settles down in the cottage cottage created by the government as a free facility for us to enjoy also must be on guard, especially its cleanliness. Tidakdak few people in the holidays to visit there, with out relatives to enjoy the panoramic view of the beach while eating a meal, I also had to do the same thing, I ate dinner with the family, it is a pleasure which is so matchless let alone see the smile of my father and my mother, as well as my family .with swathe of coastal beauty Pulau Datok, from an inflatable wind, greeting nature and the beauty of the earth's natural asrinya north Kayong. Only this I can share this week thank you for your attention and Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.